Data Repository Config

Once you have your data repository, you can edit parts of the ocdsadditions.json file to configure the site.

There should be a config key which is an object.

Publisher, License and Publication Policy

Under config add a package key, which is an object with the following keys:

  • Add a publisher key, which is a object.

  • Add a license key, which is a string.

  • Add a publicationPolicy key, which is a string.

The contents are defined in the OCDS Standard.

These are used when creating a new empty release - they are automatically set in the package for you.


Under config add a party key, which is an object with the following keys:

Inserting Party to empty releases

Under config add a add_party_to_our_releases_with_party_id key, which is a string.

If party and this is set, when you make a new empty release the party data is automatically added for you.


After adding the above, you may have an ocdsadditions.json that looks like:

    "config": {
        "package": {
            "publisher": {
                "name": "Example Co-op",
                "scheme": "example-scheme",
                "uid": "ecp",
                "uri": ""
            "publicationPolicy": "",
            "license": ""
        "party": {
            "name": "Example Co-op",
            "identifier": {
                "scheme": "GB-COH",
                "id": "EXAMPLE"
            "additionalIdentifiers": [],
            "address": {
                "streetAddress": "Example Co-op, 37 Example St",
                "locality": "London",
                "region": "",
                "postalCode": "NW1 1AA",
                "countryName": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
            "contactPoint": {
                "email": ""
        "add_party_to_our_releases_with_party_id": "GB-COH-EXAMPLE"